Toner Recycling

Blue Box Toner Recycling
Many of our customers have recycling for their used toners through their waste and recycling providers, for those that do not we are pleased to offer our Toner & Printer Consumable Recycling Service.
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to recycle. Our service is a very straightforward 3 step system; we send you a pack of 3 recycling boxes for you to place the used toners, when the box is full we arrange collection and recycle. That’s It!
Use other printers? The service is not exclusive to toners supplied by Blue Box, we can process all brands of toners, drums, inks and printer consumables – simply place them in the box.
Easy 3 Step Process
Step 1: Order a Pack of Empty Boxes
Step 2: Place all used items in a Box
Step 3: Let us know when the box is full and we will arrange collection for recycling.
Pack of 3 Recycling Boxes: £20.00
Per Box Collection (up to 25Kg of toner consumables): £29.99
All prices exclude VAT
Box size: Longest side is 75cm.
Max Weight: 25Kg
For further details on toner recycling please call 0845 129 8386 or email